Welcome to the
Messer Ecological Systems Observation (meso)
Research Program
The Messer Research Team focuses on:
1. Identifying contaminants of emerging concern and nutrients in surface and ground waters
2. Tracing contaminants in the natural environment using innovative water quality monitoring and analytical methods
3. Treating contaminants using ecosystem based Best Management Practices
We live in a culture that imagines water as an unlimited and invincible natural resource. However, the impacts of drought and increased pollutant (e.g., pesticides, nutrients, antibiotics, metals) loads from non-point source pollution from both agricultural and urban landscapes continue to threaten important aquatic dependent industries, drinking water, and recreational water-based ecosystems. Because over 80% of water use is in agriculture (in the US and worldwide), transforming water management in a meaningful way means changing how it is used and managed – and engineered. Therefore, my team's research interests are at the often-ignored intersection of agricultural engineering, ecology, and chemistry of emerging contaminants.
“"Water is the most critical resource issue of our lifetime and our children's lifetime. The health of our waters is the principal measure of how we live on the land.”
—Luna Leopold, U.S. Geomorphologist and Hydrologist
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